Cancer Crusaders were lucky enough to have a stall on the pods in Main Street of the hospital on Good Friday. The location was fantastic as we could see what was being filmed for the television. For those watching at home you could catch a glimpse of our brand new blue Cancer Crusaders aprons that we all wore proudly and the great produce that we had on our stall . We certainly got Cancer Crusaders out there.
Our favorite customer stood at the front of our stall buying children rabbit balloons. She had come to the hospital to spend money on the kids. It was great to watch the enjoyment on her face as she presented each child with their balloon. Needless to say we sold out of balloons quickly!
We had a great day. Thanks to Mary McGowan for taking all of our committee up for a tour of the Children’s Cancer Centre to give everyone a better understanding of why we do what we do.
It was great to see our celebrities at their best, some of which you will be able to see in our photos. A few pieces of memorabilia was collected of which will appear at our Silent Auction at our Dinner Dance. Thanks to George Calombaris, North Melbourne Football Team and Ivan Maric for being such good sports.
The bonus of our day was raising $2650 to go towards ‘funding the fight’ against childhood cancers.